Important Notice: Our helpline is currently being remodeled as part of an upgrade to our advice and support services. Read More

About Conviction

Our vision is to help those affected by the criminal justice system advocate for themselves confidently and with dignity. We aim to ensure fair treatment and easy access to essential resources, supporting effective participation in the justice process. Our ultimate goal is a truly just and equitable criminal justice system for everyone.

Find out more

Our Services


Criminal Justice Advocacy

We provide professional advocacy services to help individuals navigate the complex criminal justice system.


Legal Casework Support

Our team are dedicated to providing comprehensive casework support to those in need.


Policy Work

We actively engage in policy discussions and advocate for positive change within the criminal justice system.


Criminal Justice Hub

Aimed at empowering individuals and enhancing understanding within our community, the Criminal Justice Hub is a comprehensive online resource designed to provide easy access to information, resources, and support for all things related to the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

Key features include:

  • Information and Guides
  • Support and Advocacy
  • News and Updates
  • Community and Forums

Learn MoreVisit the Criminal Justice Hub

Useful Contacts

Take a browse through our directory of useful organisations and contacts

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Latest Articles

Navigating Recent Unrest: A Call for Justice and Caution

Navigating Recent Unrest: A Call for Justice and Caution

In recent weeks, the UK has witnessed unprecedented civil unrest and riots, leading to widespread concern about the government's response and its implications for justice and civil liberties.

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Seeking Insights: Share Your Experiences with Patient Care in Secure Hospitals

Seeking Insights: Share Your Experiences with Patient Care in Secure Hospitals

In our ongoing efforts to advocate for excellence in prison healthcare, we understand the crucial role played by secure hospitals in providing specialised care to the most vulnerable.

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A Short Guide to the Crown Court for First-Timers

A Short Guide to the Crown Court for First-Timers

If you’ve never been to the Crown Court before, it can be a daunting experience. This guide will provide an overview of the process of a typical case in the Crown Court and how you can prepare.

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Join our team and help shape the future of criminal justice in England and Wales.


Community Membership

Become an active participant in empowering the criminal justice community.



Your contribution will have a direct impact on our efforts to empower and support.


Spread the Word

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Together, we can make a difference and empower those in need.

Contact Us

We are here to help and answer any questions you may have about our work. Please feel free to contact us using one of the methods below or send us a message using the contact form.

Tel: +44 (0) 161 552 1954

Postal Address:
Postal Point 428
M8 2FS

We ask for your postal code on this form to better understand who we are reaching and to enhance our outreach efforts. This information helps us to tailor our services and communications more effectively.


This data will only be used by Conviction for processing your query and for no other purpose.