This form is intended to help you to submit a data protection complaint in a way that will enable us to investigate and deal with it as quickly as possible. The form is entirely optional and if you prefer, you can simply write to us or email us with your complaint.

About you

This section should be completed in relation to the person who is making the complaint, even if the complaint relates to someone else.

Your matter number will be 13 characters and look like C23AIS00377NM.

Your identity information

For security reasons, we cannot respond to a complaint unless we have confirmed your identity

You must upload or send us a minimum of two pieces of official identity documentation with your application which between them provides enough information to prove your name, date of birth, current address and signature.

Examples of this are:

Document 1

  • current, valid photo-card driving licence
  • birth/adoption certificate
  • passport

Please note: we are unable to accept paper counterpart driving licences issued after 1998 in line with changes introduced by the DVLA on 8 June 2015 as they no longer have any legal status. We are also unable to accept expired photo-card driving licences.

Document 2

  • utility bill (for example a gas, electricity or telephone bill )
  • official document (for example correspondence from a bank or building society)

The above documents should be no more than 3 months old.

Proof of ID
Proof of Address

Whose personal data does the complaint relate to?

(if known)

Identity information for the person to whom the complaint relates

As well as providing proof of your own identity in section 1, please provide proof of the identity of the person on whose behalf you are making the complaint.

You must upload or send us a minimum of two pieces of official identity documentation which between them provides enough information to prove their name, date of birth, current address and signature.

Examples of this are:

Document 1

  • current, valid photo-card driving licence
  • birth/adoption certificate
  • passport

Please note: we are unable to accept paper counterpart driving licences issued after 1998 in line with changes introduced by the DVLA on 8 June 2015 as they no longer have any legal status. We are also unable to accept expired photo-card driving licences.

Document 2

  • utility bill (for example a gas, electricity or telephone bill )
  • official document (for example correspondence from a bank or building society)

The above documents should be no more than 3 months old.

Proof of ID
Proof of Address
Please provide a copy of your legal authority to make this complaint. This might be a signed letter of authority from the person on whose behalf you are making this complaint, a power of attorney, or confirmation that you are their legal representative.

Your complaint

Please complete this section with details of the complaint. You may wish to attach additional information or documentation.

Please provide more details here, including any relevant dates.
This section is optional, but if you know what you would like us to do in response to your complaint, please tell us here.

Any other information

This section is optional.

Please use this section to provide any other information that you think is relevant but is not covered elsewhere on this complaints form.